
Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Apabila Hati dah Cakap Benci!!

Aku bukan jenis yg mudah untuk membenci seseorang itu..
tp bila aty dh ckp bnci ak tidak dpt untuk mngawal sikap bnci itu..
aku bukan bnci pd tuan pnye badan, 
tapi bnci pd sikap nye..
yg tak penah nak ubah diri nye sndiri..
belagak macam baik sngt..
Ku ingt kan diri nye sudah mndapat hidayah 
dan mula membaiki diri nye..
malah dia makin menjadi-2..
tp ape nak buat...
klau kita dh bagi nasihat tp diri nye sndri tak nak berubah,
apa kan daya kita utk mngubah seseorg kan..

so, aku hnya mmpu utk mmberi nasihat yg membina
 utk diri nye utk mnjadi seorg yg lebih baik..
ak pun bukan sebaik-2 insan di atas muka bumi ini,
 aku juga ade kelemahan dan kesalhan 
yg penah aku buat..
tp isnyAllah aku akn mngubah diri ku ini,
 sedikit demi sedikit..
smua nye ats diri kita sndri..up to you....
aku mula ingin merapatkan diri ku ini dgn dy 
 .tp bila dh tahu prngai dy smakin mnjadi-2.
.aku trus patah seribu aty..
tak thu nk ckp ape dh..
sy mendoakan untuk nye dan juga kwn-2 ku yg lain..
dan diri ku juga..
smoga Allah melindungi kami smua..amin..:-)

Ok,trm ksh ..Assalamualaikum.. tak jwb dose..senYum soKmo dr sy:-)




Teaching Methods and Systems:
·         A good way of teaching
·         Teach Bahasa Arab
Curriculum that is relevant to the current and future demands
Islamic School of education Curriculum
·         Children are taught how to worship daily with either
·         Can serve, can pious charity, and may develop themselves in the community develop good language knowledge to capitalize on the general knowledge of religion.
·         Strengthening critical thinking, communication, innovation,
            creativity and entrepreneurship
·         Ensuring an added value i.e. language, ethics, self confidence, resilience, leadership, patriotism and religious

The aims of Gontor

(a)    Community
(b)    Simple Life
(c)     Does not belong to a party
(d)    Principal objective is “Worship thalabul ilmi” not being an employee.
First, the community is that the Pondok Modern Gontor oriented education to the community. All actions and lessons even all the movements that exist in all modern cottage will be found in the struggle for life in society. Thus, the cottage is not to concerned or remember what you have learned in college later, but keep in mind what will be encountered in the future. With hope when we (the students) later entered the public will not be too awkward to be a teacher in elementary school, madrasah, school, tsanawiyah, both teaching in religious studies or general studies.

The aims of National Pre-school

The aims of preschool is to develop children of age 4 to 6
potential in a holistic and integrated manner interms of
physical, spiritual, social and intellect through safe
condusive learning environment, fun, creative and
meaningful activities. This is to increase skills, self confidence, positive self-esteem of the child in order for
them to adapt and excel in primary school.

Lessons in education Gontor is
Ø  Arabic
Ø  Dirasah Islamiyah
Ø  Science teacher and educational psychology
Ø  English
Ø  Science must
Ø  Natural Sciences
Ø  Indonesiaan/ Citizenship

Lessons in education National Pre-school
• Language and Communication
• Malay, English, Mandarin, Tamil
• Spiritual and Moral Education 
• Islamic and Moral Education
• Cognitive Development
• Science and Mathematics
• Socio emotional Development
• Physical Development
• Physical and Health Education
• Creativity and Aesthetic
• Visual Arts and Music Education

• Communication
Malay, English, Mandarin, Tamil
• Spiritual and Moral Education 
Islamic and Moral Education
• Cognitive Development
Science and Mathematics
• Self Potray
Social emotion
• Humanity
• Physical and Aesthetical Development
Physical and Health Education, Visual
Art Education, Music

Gontor Curriculum
K.H Iman Zarkasyi is one of the founders Pondok Modern Gontor, he introduced the “Kulliyatu-Mu’allimin Al-Islamiyah” while the other, he assessed that the curriculum is the important thing at a boarding school, and that is the soul that embraces the life of the Islamic boarding hut, which came to be known as, Panca Pondok Modern life, including, fifth life is sincerity, humility, willingness to help themselves (self help), brotherhood Islamiyah and independent lives. Modern cottage is an education system that combines the “old model” (read, individual or Sheikhs) and the “madrassa” (read classical).
The concept of educational reform K.H Imam zarkasyi divided into four areas, namely reform of the method and system of education, curriculum pesantren, Islamic boarding structure and management system and way of thinking and freedom santri pesantren.

National Pre-School Curriculum
The early children period is a time of rapid growth and development and during this period, the foundation for future learning is being laid and the dispositions required for the pursuit of  lifelong learning are being formulated, it is therefore critical that learning experiences to which children are exposed during this period are developmentally appropriate, culturally relevant and meaningful in the context of how young children learn.

allah Pictures, Images and Photos